jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Templo SUD de Toronto Ontario, Canadá

Templo SUD de Toronto Ontario, Canadá

El Templo de Toronto Ontario es el número 44 en función de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días.
Este está erigido sobre 13 acres de tierra en Brampton, situado a veinte millas al oeste del centro de la ciudad de Toronto. Arriba en lo alto del reluciente templo blanco se encuentra la estatua de oro enchapado del ángel Moroni con su familiar trompeta en mano
El distrito del templo incluye mormones que habitan una gran área geográfica a la que llaman "La Cuna del Mormonismo". Abarca 6 provincias Canadienses y parte de 5 Estados de los Estados Unidos.[1] El área incluye miembros de muchas naciones: Inglaterra, Escocia, Alemania, Francia e Italia predominante, asimismo miembros de Grecia, Hungría, Finlandia, Holanda, Estonia y Polonia.
La ceremonia de excavación se llevó a cabo el día 10 de Octubre de 1987 y la dedicación el 25 de Agosto del año 1990 por el Presidente Gordon B. Hinckley.
El Templo de Toronto Ontario tiene un total de 57,982 pies², cuatro salones de ordenanzas y seis salones de sellamiento.

1 comentario:

  1. Brothers and sisters good night
    I greet you very cordially from Colombia.
    I apologize for the breach of trust, first I identify myself, I have been a member of the Church for about 35 years, I address each of you with great respect, to ask very restrained if any of you can help my daughter and her. husband to travel anywhere in Canada to work. My daughter is called Nidia Marcela Sosa Bautista, she is 33 years old and a nurse, she has worked in various health institutions, her husband's name is Henry Guillermo Solano Vega he is 35 years old, she has worked in several very important companies, in various Activities: Administration, sales , human relations, inventories, chief of staff among other jobs, he is also a computer technologist. They have 2 girls 9 and 3 years old. Here in Colombia the work is difficult.
    This request is force majeure because we need money for my husband who at this moment has very complicated diseases because several years ago he suffered 2 accidents and his brain was affected, so the health entities have not been able to help him and we have to pay for private treatments and it is very expensive.
    Or the other possibility would be that you could help me so that I can go to work, I have experience as an accounting assistant secretary, consultant, administrator, treasurer, sales expert, customer service, counselor, teacher, among other jobs. I had the opportunity to work with the private company and the public company. If there is a family that wants me to help them with their family to take care of their children, their pets, cook or clean the house, I do it, because at this moment I need the money to help with my husband's treatment. I work in whatever I have good abilities.
    I am a person of good feelings and values, I offer everything I have to others, I consider myself an excellent person, I am happy and dynamic, I prepare delicious meals, I love children, in short I have other very beautiful qualities. If there is any family interested in helping us, we will appreciate it with all our hearts.
    I thank you, for your patience and understanding, receive all my affection and love.
    How are you. 3106667106
    Email: hildaomairab@gmail.com
